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SAP SuccessFactors has delivered enhancements and updates across the SAP SuccessFactors® HCM Suite as part of their Q3 2019 product release. Here are a few key updates you should consider for SuccessFactors Calibration, Succession Planning and Career Development Planning (CDP).

End of Maintenance/End of Life Reminders

Feature/Page End of Maintenance End of Life
Calibration Legacy UI Q3 2018 Q3 2019
Calibration Org Chart v11 Q3 2019 Q1 2020
CDP Lite   Q2 2020


Career Development & Mentoring

Enhanced Performance and Behavior on Matches/Not Matched Pages

Displays the first 200 matches or 500 participants automatically.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Previously large mentoring programs could not display results. This enhancement will provide a better user experience.

Autosave on Matches Tab

Adjustments are saved immediately and reflected in the user interface in immediately.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Previously users had to click “Save” to save changes. This enhancement will provide a better user experience.

Search Result Limit in the Assign Mentor/Mentee Popup

Results displayed will be limited to no more than 200 results.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Previously there was no limit to the number of results that were displayed causing difficulty showing the list. This enhancement will provide a better user experience.

Limit Supervised Mentoring Program Size

Allows administrators to export talent search data.

Why is it important? Gives customers additional control over who can export talent search data.

Supervised Mentoring Programs Matching Interaction Improvements

  • “Match Now” in supervised mentoring programs will run a backend-job
  • From the program overview page administrators will be able to review and edit the match results

Why is it important? Users will be able to more easily handle a large number of participants when using Supervised programs.

Career Explorer Beta Announcement

Allows employees to find possible future roles beyond the roles designated for their current position.

Prerequisite: Employee Central, CDP, JBP

Configuration Type: If interested in the beta program, visit the influence page for sign-up information.

Why is it important? Will allow clients to provide their employees with career paths without the need to create and maintain the paths themselves.

Succession Planning

Consistent Sorting of Successors Per Position in Position Card/Position Tile Between Succession and Presentations

The sort setting selected for successors will now apply to all components of Succession as well as the Succession related slides in Presentations.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Users will have a more consistent view of successors throughout Succession.

Add/Edit Options in Calibration and Presentation Talent Card

Allows users to add or update successor nominations in modules outside of Succession such as Calibration and Presentation.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Users will have the option to add or edit successor nominations in other areas of the system.

v12/Fiori UI Updated to Reflect “Display Position Title Instead of User Title” Behavior Option

Allows customers the option of displaying position title or user title on all succession screens.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? This upgrade provides consistent behavior between SOCv11 and SOCv12.

Show “Position Set Up” Page Only if Customer is Using Legacy Position-Based Nomination Method

Grants customers using legacy position-based nomination a visible link to the Position Set Up in Admin Center.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Make the tool available to customers who were not able to access it before, reducing confusion for the customer.

Support “Export All” Without Having to Scroll

Allows users to export all results in a talent search without having to scroll to the bottom of the list by using a pop up window for searches that return more than 20 results.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Makes it easier for users to export all results in a talent search.

Check to Coordinate the Readiness Settings in Admin Rating Scale and Provisioning Org Chart XML Configuration

Allows admins to perform a check to verify instance configuration and XML configuration for the readiness scale are consistent.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Gives the client the ability to confirm the readiness scale is configured correctly in provisioning since clients do not have access to provisioning.


Mass Action – Mass Finalization

Allows the ability to finalize up to 25 calibration sessions on the session list page.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Allows users to finalize numerous sessions at one time instead of finalizing sessions one by one.


Usability Improvements for Edit Slide Content and Edit Slide Settings Functionality

Allows users to access the Edit Slide Settings and Edit Slide Content links from the sorter mode and the timeline mode.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Gives the user better access to all possible actions improving the usability of Presentations.

Print Improvements

Allows users to print customized slides in addition to all other slides. Prints People Grid Live Slide to more than one page automatically when there is more than one page.

Configuration Type: Universal

Why is it important? Allows users to print customized slides which was not available before and the People Grid Live Slide will no longer be cut off if it is more than one page.

For the full list of updates regarding SuccessFactors Calibration, Succession Planning and Career Development Planning, visit the SAP SuccessFactors Community.

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